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FAQs (Commonly Asked Questions)

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This page contains answers to commonly asked questions that many people who are considering adopting or training a service dog ask. 

Is my dog able to be a service dog?

Not every dog can become a service dog. If your dog has any type of anxiety, aggression, or over-reactivity issues, working as a service dog can cause their behavioral issues to worsen. Service dog work requires a dog to have a naturally calm disposition with a good work ethic. If you want to learn more about the temperament required for service dog work, please click on this link: Can my dog be a service dog?

How much will it cost to train my dog to be a service dog in your program?

We charge $150 per hour for a coaching private lesson for your dog. For the first lesson, you should plan for the session to take 2 hours. Consecutive lesson, will normally take one hour. We recommend that you schedule a lesson once a month to make progress. Because everyone person and every dog is different, this process may look different for you. You may feel the need for a lesson every other week when you first start training, but then feel comfortable with a lesson once a month. If you take a group class, you may not need a lesson during the class period and so you may go longer without a private lesson. Further, depending on your needs and your dog's needs, the age of your dog when you started training (puppies take longer), you may train in our program from 1 to 2 years. Occasionally, some students may also find that our day-school program is something you are interested in and so they may spend $350/week for a few weeks on their dog's training. 

Given these factors, you may spend between $1800 to $6000 on your dog's training in our program. This range is over a period of 1 to 2 years. 

How much will it cost to acquire a fully trained service dog from your program?

Our fully trained service dogs are $12,000. This includes a service dog with 1 to 4 tasks and CGC, UCGC, and ACGC certifications. Handler training is also included which entails 30 one-on-one hours of handler training on home life, public access safety, laws and etiquette, and task work. Further, once you have adopted your service dog and have graduated the handler training program, you will receive two free lessons (valued at $300) as needed after you have taken your dog home. 

What are the requirements to be a service?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a service dog must be well-behaved in public, housebroken, and perform at least one task to mitigate a handler's disability. 

Do you accept donated puppies or adult dogs?

Because a puppy's temperament is not fully developed until at least 14 months of age, we do not accept donated puppies. Our program looks for adult dogs so that there is a higher chance of succeeding at service dog work once their temperament has developed and can be determined. 

Adult dogs that have acceptable temperaments for service dog work are accepted if donated into our program. Sometimes exceptions are made for older puppies (6 months and up).

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